I Actually Suck At Physics (PEDA #17)

​Theoretically, I am confident

In practice, I am shaking, shivering,

scared morsel of a girl

Too little thoughrs to write down

Too many not to
Physically, I am big

Inside, I am small, smile-coated,

Wonderment slimed over

Self-destruction, I should list on my resume

After all, I am better at it than Physics

Reason #3 of Why I Like You (PEDA #16)

​I am a helpless romantic

A whirlwind of crushes and infatuation

I know I am a tornado

But I had never thought of the house

Until you

I am not content with pining

From afar you see

Wzvering mask of freidly.

Not enough.

I want to date the hell out of you
And though I write this, you wont see it

If I ask and you dont notice

Did I really do it at all?

Sun and Stars (PEDA #14)

​The sun reflected light off the moon

There then here

Bringing me dreams from faraway stars

In places I have never been before

In galaxies that are so far

That I just let them wash over me

Like strawberry sundaes we shared

Summer sweetness in our hair

The threat of school over our shoulders

But I was never one to be Orpheus anyway

But you were

And I’m not saying that the classroom was our Eurydice

But we were just coming out of the Underworld

And I saw your head turn
School, ugh.

~ Jax

Burnt (PEDA #12-13)

The air sticks to my skin

Buttered popcorn and dr.pepper

Love no matter what the weather

Tide creeps in

Slowly turnin’, stomach churnin’

Too much lovin’, heart is burnin’

You are too much compassion

You are too much warmth

You are too much it’s hurtin’

You are much too much, too much

Oh, I promised I’d stay forever

But I cannot do that, sir

Oh, I vowed I’d leave you never

But, ma’am, I’m just too burnt

Fire cold like heaven

Gold and silver meld together

Molten, precious, alloy tether

Ice fills me, heat me baby

I can hear your heartbeat

Mine in the middle, yours can meet

You are too much compassion

You are too much warmth

You are too much its hurtin’

You are much too much, too much

Oh, I promised I’d stay forever

But I cannot do that, sir

Oh, I vowed I’d leave you never

But, ma’am, I’m just too burnt

I will stay here and wither, weathered

And you won’t come for me

I would rather be a flower than live mistakenly

I am blue, and purple, and bruisin’

All I’ve ever had of love was one of someone else’s choosin’

So knit me up, please sit my dear, this will take some explainin’

I’m sorry that all I can feel is burn and freeze and payin’

Burnt dollars

Burnt damage

Burns on my soul

It’s carnage


Choose (PEDA #7)

A little singy-song for you. Also, I’m caught up, yay. ~ Jax

She’s in the water

She’s in the water

Me or her

You have to choose


I’m the boat

And I am rocking

I’m the boat

You are falling

For both of us

Where will you land

For both of us

Where will you land


She’s in the water

Me or her

You have to choose


She’s in the water

Down from the river

Flowed from the bayside

In from the sea

She’s in the water

Ready to catch you

I’m the boat

Ready to be


She’s in the water

Me or her

You have to choose

She’s in the water

I am the boat

She’s in the water

Me or her

You have to choose


You are falling

Alliteration Adventures (PEDA #6)

Pumping softly in my skull

I can hear my

Slightly straining scalp

Forward and back

Forward and back

Would I look nice

On a heart attack

Of fleshy feelings

Made waiting water

I learned to love

The motion of swimming

Since I was small

But I haven’t felt young

In an arduous, aching while

So, toss and turn me

I have no fear for

your frozen glacier glares

The tip of an iceberg

turned upside down

Is your warm weathered center

This turned out far more accidentally sexual than anticipated, oops. Pay it no mind. Also, pay no mind to the fact that this is a day late.


I Can Handle (PEDA #4)

I can handle anger

I can handle the type one sinks into

Pulsing palpitations you know aren’t healthy

The fire in your soul consuming you

All you have is oxygen to put it out

And everyone knows

that doesn’t work


I can handle sad

I can handle the type one chokes on

The way it clogs your throat and your mind

feels like its to the brim with ways

To better the burning in your eyes

Turn it to compartmentalize

On accident

You let it



I missed Day 3, oops.
